Yippee!! I got a postpaid connection for the first time in my life time. Yes there is a connection between this post paid connection and New Year 2011 and don't wonder what is so special in getting a postpaid connection. Yes the special thing is not the post paid connection here. There are two things for my joy and pleasure.

First One :-)
Yes yes it is the mobile number. The number is so special because it is already written in my heart. The number ends with my life partner birthday. One good thing in getting a post paid connection is that they will provide the mobile number which you are asking for. So i have decided to get the number which ends with my wife birthday :-). Guess what i got the number immediately and i am so lucky.

Second One :-)
I got two post paid connections. Don't think here i am a stupid. The post paid connections came with a wonderful plan called cug (closed user group) and the calls are free between the mobile numbers which comes under cug. So i bought two connections to bring it under cug and it is the main reason for buying a post paid connection. The surprise here is that the other mobile number also ends with my wife birthday :-). One is for me and other one is for my queen.

Here is how i got my post paid connection. I thought it will so simple as i didn't get any post paid connections before and i am only aware of prepaid connections and getting a prepaid connection is as easier as getting a chocolate from a shop. With getting a post paid connection in my mind i started from my office after in the evening.

First i visited airtel showroom. No one welcomed me when i get entered. I sit in front of the executive and started inquiring about it. He started explaining about the plans and everything seems to be fine until he revealed the truth that messaging between cug numbers are not free. WTF i just stand up and walked out of the showroom scolding airtel for such stupid plans.

My next plan is to visit the Vodafone Showroom. I entered the showroom and here i was welcomed by the executives and i was provided with a seat. Then i told them i am here for getting a post paid connection. The guy is so excited and he started to explain about the plans. But the procedure here is different. They want to know in which company am working for. I wondered and i showed them my identity card. They have a list of companies and the guy started to search for my companies name in it. He should have asked me before he started searching. I definitely know it is not there. I was informed they will give connection only if our companies name is listed. After a long struggle i got the connection from Vodafone :-) and that struggle is sweet and i enjoyed it :-)

The struggle didn't get over yet. I have to make sure that the sim reach my wife as she is far away. I sent her a courier and hoped that they will deliver it in time. But that didn't happen. I just called the courier office and i was shocked by the answer they told me. They simply said that the college is closed and no one is there. My Wife was in the college and everyone was there as they are having their exams. I literally scolded them regarding the courier and explained them how important that courier was to me. After repeated phone calls and request the courier finally reached her at the end of the day. 

We are seperated by a distance and it really made an impact on me. The distance is un avoidable as i got a job in some place and she got her college for higher studies in some other city. The real bridge between us is our mobile connections and i want it to be something special. This post paid connection is so special to me and it makes me to feel like i am connected with her all time :-). The next day is new year and i want to start the new year with this new mobile numbers with unlimited free calls so that i can be connected with her always. It happened and in spite of the distance we first spoked with each other in the new year 2011. The words  we spoked first in this new year is I LOVE YOU :-). We exchanged our love and i want everyday of this new year to be filled with love, fun, pleasure, lovable fights and care etc etc :-). I just want to say that

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